Background and Information about
Canoga Creek and Canoga Marsh

Canoga Marsh is the delta of Canoga Creek and
lies along the northwest shore of Cayuga Lake, the
second largest Finger Lake in Central New York
State. Cayuga Lake is part of the Oswego River
basin, which drains north to Lake Ontario.  The
portion of the marsh owned by Canoga Creek Farm
is in the USDA Wetlands Reserve Program. A
significant portion of the remaining marsh not owned
by Canoga Creek Farm is a NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation Wildlife Management
Area.  The balance of Canoga Marsh is privately

The Cayuga Lake Watershed Restoration and
Protection Plan lists the Canoga Creek
subwatershed as a priority for restoration and
protection efforts. It is important because among
the subwatersheds it has the largest percentage of
land as wetlands, it is proximate to the large
Montezuma Wetlands Complex and it has a
system of springs
at its headwaters.  The
Restoration Plan stresses the value of both
wetlands education and on the ground efforts as
strategies for watershed management.  
Canoga Creek Farm and Conservancy
3208 Rt. 89 Seneca Falls, NY 13148
(315) 568-9710